Intoxication suites – Greater Manchester ‘safe sobering units’ (in development) – NCCMH

The development of ‘safe sobering units’ in Greater Manchester is part of the Crisis Care Concordat Action Plan. These services are in development but aim to support a better mental health crisis response by providing specialised units that are attached to EDs. This action formed part of Greater Manchester’s CQUIN schedule for 2015-16 and its implementation is being led by a project manager and senior nurse


  • From start: No
  • During process: No
  • In evaluation: Yes


  • Peer: Yes
  • Academic: Yes
  • PP Collaborative: No

Find out more

  • Crisis Care Concordat website

Intoxication suites – Greater Manchester ‘safe sobering units’ (in development)

Many areas in the USA have mental health facilities that receive people experiencing mental health crises regardless of any coexisting problems such as intoxication due to drugs or alcohol. These centres are referred to as ‘crisis receiving centres’ or ‘crisis assessment centres’. Many of these centres operate a ‘no refusal’ policy and as such people cannot be excluded from care and support for mental health problems due to intoxication, something which is relatively common in the UK. Crisis receiving centres and crisis assessment centres in the USA can usually make referrals directly to other services such as specialist drug and alcohol services, as well as being able to arrange physical health assessments.

Intoxication suites can offer an alternative safe environment where people can have both their mental health and physical health needs addressed, until they are sufficiently sober to be assessed by appropriately trained mental health professionals.

The development of ‘safe sobering units’ in Greater Manchester is part of the Crisis Care Concordat Action Plan. These services are in development but aim to support a better mental health crisis response by providing specialised units that are attached to EDs. This action formed part of Greater Manchester’s CQUIN schedule for 2015-16 and its implementation is being led by a project manager and senior nurse.

For more information, visit the Crisis Care Concordat website.

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