Living Well – South Yorkshire Housing Association – NCCMH

The Living Well project is an innovative service delivered by South Yorkshire Housing Association (SYHA) in partnership with Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS Foundation Trust (SHSC). The objective of the service is to integrate housing and health to improve outcomes for people with complex mental health problems. To achieve this the service works closely with the Community Enhancing Recovery Team (CERT) at SHSC. The Living Well project accepts people from long- term inpatient treatment and provides accommodation in the community with support


  • From start: Yes
  • During process: Yes
  • In evaluation: No


  • Peer: Yes
  • Academic: No
  • PP Collaborative: Yes

Find out more

The Living Well project is an innovative service delivered by South Yorkshire Housing Association (SYHA) in partnership with Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS Foundation Trust (SHSC). The objective of the service is to integrate housing and health to improve outcomes for people with complex mental health problems. To achieve this the service works closely with the Community Enhancing Recovery Team (CERT) at SHSC. The Living Well project accepts people from long- term inpatient treatment and provides accommodation in the community with support.

The project aim is to facilitate a person’s recovery in the community by providing, in partnership with the person and the CERT team, a suitable home to meet each person’s mental health recovery goals. The first stage of the move is to help the person to create a safe and comfortable environment. After the move ongoing support is provided that helps the person to manage the practicalities of running the home, including bills, maximising the benefits they receive and their general wellbeing. The person is supported to identify and achieve their own personal goals and improve their confidence through the completion of a Wellness Recovery Action Plan. By following the plan and receiving support from CERT and Living Well as a partnership, a person will eventually gain better control over their mental health and will be able to recognise any of their potential triggers.

Holistic support is delivered through work in partnership with other agencies such as probation services, forensic social workers, the local authority, the police, Citizen’s Advice and wellbeing organisations. The service is continuously improving through actively listening to people using the service and their families and carers on how it can be improved.

SHSC has reshaped rehabilitation support for people with mental health problems and has contributed to a 97% reduction in hospital usage and a 94% reduction in out-of-city placements.

This health and housing collaboration has a positive impact on those who use the service: people are sustaining their own tenancies and staying well in the community as well as reporting improvements in both health and quality of life.

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