Caldecott guardians initially over the information governance agreements that are required for this project.
The main challenge identified early on was the inability of the providers to provide real- time, electronic, safe and secure sharing of patient records. This ‘gap’ was a common theme holding back current and future care models.
It was determined that service users regularly attend clinical care at two or three of KHP’s partner organisations as well as their local GP practice. For example, data showed that 47% of patients seen at SLaM also had a record at GStT and 43% had a record at KCH. For those patients, the flow of information did not match their needs or movement between organisations and sites, care pathways were disjointed and important information was potentially unavailable or was slow to obtain (quality, safety and inefficiency).
“To think, we work in the same community, share the same patients, but IT has been this huge barrier in terms of knowing what care and support our patients are receiving and from where. So this really is a breakthrough” – GP
Therefore, early on work produced an overarching Information Sharing Agreement between the mental health trust, secondary care and primary care. This allow all partners to be confident in how service user information was to be shared, how to inform patients, deal with opt-outs from the Local Care Record etc.
The LCR is now part of the overall Notes system and fully embedded within the operational processes of IT. Rather than have a plan to maintain the service, the plan is on how to grow the LCR into areas of the organisation which it doesn’t currently serve. We are also working with our partners to understand how we can pool the data that is within the system so that we can analyse data and outcomes across the whole system and thereby show patient across the whole health system.
We are part funded by NHS England so have committed to report on the impact of the LCR across all partners. This work has been carried out by core project members. Work is about to commence on further research into the use of clinical technology and informatics via focus groups within Primary Care, which will now include the impact of the LCR in this setting. We are actively looking at the possibility of grant-aided Research projects specifically focused on the role and impact of the LCR across the wider health community as it becomes embedded as a clinical resource.
We have been sharing our work widely across the clinical networks in London. We have been giving talks about this work at various conferences both internal and external and have met with various Local Authorities and CCGs to disseminate our work. We have also shared our work with NHS England and have disseminated it across the Health IT network across the UK via talks, press articles and conferences.
We are currently writing an article for the healthcare press and health technology press on this programme of work.