As part of successful implementation of the NICE quality standard, both sites are also committed to gathering routine outcome data (see section 4.4 of the guidance document).
These include patient-reported clinical outcomes, service user experience and service utilisation data. Routine outcome measures from the SLaM site have indicated that service users within the EIP pathway who completed therapy reported significantly higher levels of wellbeing and functioning and lower levels of distress and symptomatology. This was accompanied by a reduction in the frequency and duration of admissions to inpatient services and crisis teams (during therapy). Furthermore, 32 out 45 service users from the Lancashire site improved over the course of therapy. Strong service user involvement and satisfaction were also reported for the two demonstration sites, with 84% and 100% of Lancashire and SLaM site service users, respectively, saying that they would recommend the service to a family or friend.
The project leads from both the SLaM and Lancashire sites also identified a number of key learning points that facilitated the successful running of the demonstration sites. These include:
• Dedicated, ring-fenced, funding and time. This has been essential both for recruiting new therapists and for enabling the therapists to deliver high quality psychological therapies (including time for regular and frequent clinical supervision and service user contact). As part of this, the right ‘service context’ (the existing critical mass of staff, appropriate care and referral pathways, supervision, and support at managerial, clinical, administrative and business/finance levels) needs to be in place to ensure that these resources can translate rapidly into increased delivery.
• The routine measurement of outcomes. This includes sessional outcomes, which are feasible and acceptable provided that they are brief and are applicable to the population.
The SLaM site also recommends the use of independent assessors in outcome measures, such as psychology assistants. As well as being cost-effective (compared with using therapist time), the process ensures assessment completion is prioritised and enables detailed feedback reports for GPs and teams. For the service users there is also an opportunity to provide feedback in an independent manner, removed from therapists’ demands.
The Lancashire site also recommends the use of technology, particularly mobile tablet devices, to facilitate the collection of data in sessions with service users. As well as facilitating the sessions (in terms of goal setting, engagement and rapid feedback of scores in sessions), the process also allows effective data extraction and reporting when communicating with performance/reporting departments in the trusts.
Further information about the IAPT-SMI demonstration sites can be found on the IAPT website.