Safe Haven (Aldershot) – NCCMH

The Safe Haven in Aldershot is a service provided by Surrey and Borders NHS Foundation Trust, mcch and Catalyst. The service is funded by North East Hampshire and Farnham CCG. It is located at the Wellbeing Centre in Aldershot and provides an evening and weekend drop-in service for anyone who is experiencing a mental health crisis, with no need for an appointment.


  • From start: No
  • During process: Yes
  • In evaluation: Yes


  • Peer: Yes
  • Academic: No
  • PP Collaborative: Yes

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Safe Haven (Aldershot)

The Safe Haven in Aldershot is a service provided by Surrey and Borders NHS Foundation Trust, mcch and Catalyst. The service is funded by North East Hampshire and Farnham CCG. It is located at the Wellbeing Centre in Aldershot and provides an evening and weekend drop-in service for anyone who is experiencing a mental health crisis, with no need for an appointment. The service was piloted in 2014 and intended to provide an appropriate alternative to attending the ED with a mental health problem. Since the pilot, the Safe Haven has received block-funding to sustain its existence long term. As a result of its success, similar pilot projects are now underway in other parts of Surrey.

The Safe Haven provides support to both people in crisis and their families and carers. The service provides a safe, supportive and therapeutic environment for those in crisis and works to promote independence, opportunity and recovery in the community. Professionals providing support include a mental health practitioner, employees from charities such as mcch and Catalyst, as well as volunteers. The team are experienced and skilled in providing help and support with mental health assessments (where required), problem solving, emotional and peer support, and drug and alcohol misuse, among various other methods of support and intervention.

For more information, visit the Surrey and Borders NHS Foundation Trust website.

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